Machine vision specialist for complete systems Germany is widely acclaimed as a global epicenter of technological brilliance, hosting premier manufacturing conglomerates that dominate their respective industries. Upholding the nation’s rich technological...
Offering End-to-End Image Processing Systems Germany is widely acclaimed as a global epicenter of technological brilliance, hosting premier manufacturing conglomerates that dominate their respective industries. Upholding the nation’s rich technological heritage...
Innovative start-ups take off at VISION Pioneering spirit at the BMWK joint booth Young innovative companies from Germany can receive funding to participate in the joint stand of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) at VISION. Already two...
Product overview MDS-01 en small, adaptable system in the size of a tablet like systems available on the market. – easy and flexible integration into existing infrastructures – interfaces to many open standards, door locking systems, security systems, etc....
Die Gründerszene des Wirtschaftsraumes Augsburg präsentiert ihre Ideen und Projekte. Experten geben ihr Wissen weiter. „Augsburg gründet!“ bietet die Gelegenheit, sich zu vernetzen, neue Ideen aufzugreifen, sich über Gründer und Gründungsaktivitäten der...
Bayerisch-Schwäbische Wirtschaft Magazine Parth Pandya has lived in Germany for eleven years. He completed his university education here, obtained a master’s degree in electrical engineering and has worked in several companies. He gained so much confidence in...
A successful exhibition appearance in Augsburg Gründet 2019 und our logo on Some photos:
PARKVI is proud to be a member of Cluster Mechatronik & Automation e.V.
PARKVI GmbH is a machine vision applications expert. As a Cognex integrator Parkvi uses Insight 7000 and 9000 Camera series for the Bead Inspection application. The latest Cognex insight 5.7.3 Version gives an extended possibility to inspect the Bead. As a Cognex...
At the assembly line for combustion engines we have experience in solving the following tasks. Type and orientation check Conrod, Piston, Bearing cap Piston ring check OCR check on bearing caps Crankshaft and camshaft Type as well as position check Tensioner Belt...